Friday, August 7, 2020

Pinks and whites, all so bright


Deepak sent this in 

Butterfly feasting on orange reds
Glistening and bright
Some more friends must be led
To the feast in sight.

Nature really does love her Pinks
Far and wide, near and close does she them fling
A beautiful sight does the morning meet
So many beauties for us to greet. 

Some more pinks from Vivek

Everywhere you look, pinks can be seen
Of course they are accompanied by white and green
Perfectly balanced flowers in bloom
Showering blessings cutting the gloom.

Sai came in with

 Little clusters of white
This flower is the garden's delight
With a fragrance all too sweet
Every visitor, it does greet.


Shashi brought in a feeding flower

A white beauty standing proud and tall
A fruiting vine does it home call
A flower that we would do well to heed
Does us humans amiably feed.

My co-contributors are: 

  1. Deepak
  2. Vivek
  3.  Sai
  4. ShashiB

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Colors Bright

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