Thursday, August 6, 2020

Flowers and their Power


Today's post begins with Deepak's contribution

A yellow orange cone in full bloom
Nature's crafting beauties on its verdant loom
Petals tightly curled, at once bold and shy
Their inherent power leaping to the sky.

Vivek added 

A beauty red, deep and bold
A color to value, cherish and hold
Offered to the Lord, his head to adorn
Brings forth blessings each and every morn.

Lavender hearts in full bloom.
Dispelling the rained in gloom
Flowers hearken to say
Good morning, enjoy your day.

Received from a friend, taken by her daughter with the request to put words to it

A rose with its petals unfurled
Droplets of rain cozily on it curled
A light-yellow orange tinged with pink
Its beauty into our souls does deeply sink.

Nature's bounty is on display
Mr. Bumblebee has come out to play
The Nasturtium is his royal bed
While its nectar ensures he's fed

Was awaiting Shashi's inputs

Gorgeous green, deep purples and whites
Noticing them makes the day oh so bright
Nature's wonders are on display
I don't think they would mind a little camera play.

My co-contributors today:


  1. Today's post has the same vibe as the sun peeping from behind the rain clouds in a gradually lightening sky.

    1. Thank you! And that was the sky in the morning before the rains decided that today was also theirs

  2. The beautiful flowers & their poetic descriptions are very appropriate .All poets in the making .

  3. Thank you Freda Aunty! Glad to see you here!


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