Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday Musings


Sunday usually begins by itself, no direction, no mandate, like the day it is taken easy.  Shalini has been leading these days and Sunday was no different

 The harsingar falls softly
In worship to the goddess
The fallen flowers are captured
By my sister dearest.
#DailyFlowers is doing well
In getting families to rally
For the cause of flowers
Together forth they sally.

The Parijat does bloom all year round
But in this season, its presence is more profound
To Ma Durga, Sherawali, Shakti it is offered
In Worship, love, faith, with others duly proffered

 On a lighter note did you know
After the parijat has had its gracing fun
Take it out, separate  stems and place it in the sun
Dry it, take it in, grind it well
Then sprinkle onto foods for a nice color & flavor spell
(reaction on Twitter)

 Shashi brought in a vibrant

Come the change of seasons
And Roses make in their way
If there ever was a flower needing no reasons
Vibrant colors, alluring fragrances, they for long in our memories stay! 

Vivek lamented the camera dulling his colors

Distortion in the camera's sight
Is left for us to put right
Methinks it does deliberately colors lighten
To compel our brains to recognize and thence them brighten
An exercise for mind, body and soul
One that renders us again and again whole! 

Mala seemed to have forgotten the earlier shared treasure trove and brought forth

You are building up quite a store
Of flowers to share & adore
I still have 3 sets of flowers with me
Looks like I will have  to go on a posting spree.
You might still want  to visit the blog
For who knows what words be woven when the brain comes out from its sleepy fog
(initial reaction on Twitter)

With the change of seasons, the lighter hues come into play
This time a whitish-blue is here to say
My turn to be stared at, shared and adored
Amid the other colors my patina soared
(a slightly more awake brain)

 Shinjini brought in another of Nature's creations: Happy Sunday, folks! Not sure what flower/plant this is. From my mom’s garden, last year

It reminds me of the flower cone
Through which nature's glory clearly shone
Flower, succulent whatever it be
To gardens and humans alike it gives joy and glee

From my cousin's shares

Wondrous colors do us delight
As nature's artistry comes to light
Delicate shapes, petals unfurled
A bud coming to full power, painstakingly swirled

My Co-Contributors

Shalini,  Shashi, Vivek, Mala, Shinjini, Rachna


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