Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Roses Mandate


I mandated Roses as the flower for today when I shared the post on Twitter, of course everyone has delivered

 Some memories captured long, long ago, with cameras of that age (1982-87)

My Dad's love for Roses was very tall
Across gardens, nurseries he would for less seen colors call
Dual shaded, spotted, chocolate, green buttons, deep peach and a blue-black
When the gardener fell short he took up the slack
Full many a pots adorned the house
Many a discussion what next to plant he had with his spouse!

 These were the only 3 pix I could find from older scanned family pix; We had a blue-black, green button roses and a peach tipped with red

From Shashi

This deep magenta country rose
Brings to mind all those
That with such abandon grow
And the flowering tree puts on a wonderful show.

 Well, I kept my word: Roses I said, Roses I give!

Country, creeper, hybrid, cultured, Roses they abound!
Whatever they be, their impact is profound
Colors that humans seek to mimic
Their presence makes the garden idyllic  

Mala had shared hers yesterday, but it is today being brought into play

 A damask Rose, a beauty true
Majestic in its full pink colored hue
When the eyes do on it alight
Grace pervades body, mind and soul, alright

From Shalini

Roses you said
Roses I got
Even if other things I forgot
Requested my sis
She sent me this
A rose that blooms and promptly dies
Couldn't believe my eyes...

Reminds me of a poem read long ago
Full many a flow'r is born to blush unseen*,
Nature's many mysteries are unknown though
For a brief time, this Rose does get to preen

*Thomas Gray: Elegy in a country churchyard

 From Vivek: Roses all the way. Like a typical student writing so much more coz the paper was leaked...there were more but I desisted.

 How very kind of you to desist
I am sure it must have been really tough to resist
To bring us Roses by the score
For each of us to admire and want more 

My Co-Contributors are

Dad's Service & Post Retirement Pix;  Shashi,  Rachna, Mala, Shalini, Vivek






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