Thursday, October 8, 2020

Thursday Glorious, Thursday Bright


Ah, it is finally Thursday, one day short of the weekend, but work and life continue amid Covid, so some color and cheer is in order. As usual, Shalini started the day and  we ended the day with Shashi's contribution, so here we go

From Shalini: 

Pristine #Thursday ...good morning

 It is fun when I get words I can jump off from

Pristine beauty bright
Eyes zoom in and focus on the pure white
A new day to care, zest in the air
Beauty,  lightness make today's  fare!

Thursday glorious, Thursday bright
Just shy of the weekend light
Shall we color, shall be stay white
That answer may just be dictated by Google Photos' might
Pink and White come forth to balance this morn just right!

Vivek took off from an older pix shared by Shinjini 

He said

The other day
 had shared a bud,
It has bloomed in my PC.
Digital gardens too grow...

Digital gardens grow? Really...

Am curious how a real life flower in the PC blooms
There seems to be some hanky-panky happening in the room
Digital gardens grow is known
When more pix are taken and then shown 

My cousin had shared a beautiful one yesterday, but then we were featuring Roses, so here we go

Laden with snowballs the plant blooms
As if the weaver bunched together soft cotton on the loom
The wondrous sight is an early morning delight
Tells us the tale of the flowers' might

I still have some pix from Mala, so adding them here

Lovely greens adding a unique sheen
The garden and house both do preen
Bask in its glory
As the shrub tells a lovely story

From Shashi, he tells me to insert poem here

Sir, poem duly inserted!

I was wondering what had happened
Should I send out a hail
This sight so my heart gladdened
These  pinks do so beautifully prevail

My Co-contributors 

Shalini, Freda Aunty and Kanchan, Vivek, Mala, Rachna, and Shashi

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