Sunday, January 31, 2021

Variegated Leaves and Brilliant Blooms


And so January comes to an end! What a month!! Even as hopes of Covid receding since vaccines were in play grew, unrest both in the US and India spiked. The US transitioned to the new administration and India, sad to say plumbed new depths. Never in the history of this beautiful nation has the state so effectively subverted its people, its police, judiciary and legislative to deny its citizens the very basic rights enshrined in its constitution. Never has the apex court the very defender of these rights and the constitution been found so lacking, so dark. But against these, mother nature seems to throw her colors madly upon the world as if to say... if these disparate shades can co-exist, why can't you.

And Nature's beauty is not seen just in her flowers, blossoms and blooms.

Thankful to my Uncle , who said the garden is mine too when I showed him the blogs which featured his pics...he was very happy...As it is a lazy Sunday,  thought would share a few pictures of different hues of leaves...

Nature's beauty hast no end
to all and everything she does color send
Did you think only flowers could bloom
These multicolored leaves are children of her loom
Many a designer can take her combinations to heart
Colors always cheer and unite, they do not part

 The mango tree on our eastern neighbor’s side has blossomed nicely. If all goes well (weather & monkeys permitting) we might be able to pick mangoes by just leaning over.  We have grown together. Of course for the world its journey has been more fruitful than mine

Vivek, he of the Bougainvillea fame
brought forth a mango tree to add to his game
Then compared its fruiting to himself he did
And then added the fruits to his capturing bid

Not satisfied with the mango tree
He then again of Asmita's restrictions broke free
Another Bougainvillea, from Pune this time
He and his fellow polio vaccinators fell in line
His eyes did a sweet pink spot
As it brightened the clinic's lot

Trawling on FB for some flowers
He came upon some white showers
Very generously Jola did share
These snow flowers so rare

V's friend shared her blooms
Purple and yellow plumes
Such brilliance does nature gift
The very sight our spirits does lift
Flowers courtesy:

The marigold are home flowered after a lot of coaxing from Asmita. The distinct colour at the petal borders fascinated me. #DailyFlowers 

 Home flowered Marigold
Enrich the home's gold
Lots of coaxing n care
Gives Vivek a gem to share
On the other a deep red does flare
Its blooms many blooms do bear
Eternal favorites face the sun
As their time begins its run

Nature's melody rings out a peach and pink
The flowers' symmetry makes us think
The balancing act and care
In Nature's play here and there

"हज़ारों साल नर्गिस अपनी बेनूरी पे रोती है.

बड़ी मुश्किल से होता है चमन में दीदावर पैदा"
- इकबाल

Meanwhile, mums still going strong, almost a month now :)

Flowers from Mum bloom long
They are enriched with the maternal love song
Along the mums are blossoms yellow and white
Adding to the 'vase's delight

 Shalini brought forth a Jaipur memory, nay, I have been corrected; Shalini shared this from Jaipur...

Flowering Cactii with the host's blessings
One admires the plant's settings
An arc that curves up to bloom
Forming a full and gorgeous plume

 Some say pinks are hyped
But they can never be typed
So many hues and shades do preen
Am surprised other colors don't turn green

#DailyFlowers trains and flowers from a visit to Brookside Gardens in the Maryland - Washington DC area. Have a great weekend. And from the Smithsonian in Washington DC

Brookside Gardens and the Smithsonian together display
Blossoms and booms in gorgeous array
Colors pristine, colors bright
All in all a glorious sight

This is theyyam, a ritualistic dance form which is believed to give the performers the power of Gods.  Happy Sunday. Today's #DailyFlowers is from

Tradition and monument a testament to history
One a dance form, with flames and full of mystery
Worship and flowers go hand in hand
All creations do proudly stand

My Co-Contributors

 Vishnu, Vivek, Lisha, Vivek, Shalini & Sai, Shalini, Vishnu, Shashi, Sai and Shashi



Friday, January 29, 2021

A Roses Haven


When I started this blog flowers came from my cousin and I cross posted to twitter; then friends on twitter joined in. Those are still going strong. At some point i started trawling friends' FB posts and got more pix in. Then last week, Nilima (FB) drew my attention to her entire spread of divine flowers after I liked some and said I was as usual borrowing them for the blog. I ambled over virtually and my jaw dropped. Color upon vivid color, combinations, hues awaited me. There were beauties in that spread. I share some here.

Colors gentle, colors bright
Now dark, now light, all a delight
Pinks, yellows, peaches, orange and more
Hues and shades abound in combinations galore
Words of praise in their glory be raised
And yet the eyes continue to be amazed
Roses for love, for friendship and peace
May their numbers and tribe increase!

All Roses Courtesy Nilima M

Spring Scramble!


 Things got pretty hectic this last week, with requests for edits flowing in non-stop. After spending more than 10 hours staring at the screen the blogger was in no mood to hit the keyboard again and the brain was going round in circles. I had hoped things would ease off, but they seem to be picking up even more steam... never mind, let's get this one out

How about a Van Gogh to start the week off? Taken National Gallery of Art - February 2019. #DailyFlowers! Have a great week.

Van Gogh starts the week
Beauty in art we seek
Masters shared by galleries of art
Full enjoyment though miles apart

 Whether on bags, envelopes or plants
Flowers offer a colorful slant
All shapes, sizes, fragrances and hues
Their variety always enriches views

 This is from a 2018 kolam in Potomac at a cousin's house

 Kolams across the seas in stranger lands
Harking to traditions bringing closer the motherland
A full welcome created
Visitor n family alike to a salutation treated 

This deep red pansy shied away from the camera, but my persistence paid off finally :)

The deep red pansy from Shalini's camera away shied
Its glorious beauty it wanted to hide
But at her persistence one cannot scoff
Hence, we have a beauty that is a one-off

Shalini had roses on her mind, an unusually spiked one and a video: 

This unusual rose,
with spiky leaves,
Was swaying in the breeze,
With perfect ease.
Different but beautiful,
Nature is bountiful...

A beautiful verse
Saluting the rose
Nature's perfect nurse
A health giving dose

For the video:

Good Afternoon!

The hunt for bougainvillea is on again
Vivek went out driving for new strains
Yellows and pink brighten the roads
Lessen the wayfarers loads

Clicks borrowed from my Uncles garden; Posting this with his permission:

Flower or butterfly, that's your call
For me either way, it's having a ball
Deep tinged red, splattered with white
Sure it is the garden's and gardener's delight

Some more borrowed flowers with due permission

The brilliant colors of spring
To the heart immense gladness bring
Beauty and grace
In nature have top place

 Sai is back with gems

Looks like a fairy
Light and airy
Caught just about to take flight
By an adept pic taker's sight

My Co-Contributors

Shashi, Shalini, Vivek, Vishnu & Sai

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Springing Yellows & More


As January makes it way out, the weather warms up and brilliant yellows come out to play. Yellow is the color of the harvest, the harbinger of spring, the one that chases winter away, the color of the warming sun. And there were plenty of yellows that lit up the timeline over the last 2/3 days. So let's go meet them.

And since it has been ages one of my posts led, well...

When yellows come marching in
Spring is not far behind
Nature's music can be heard sweetly tinklin'
Filling everyone's mind


 And others, with Shalini asking Can Spring be far behind?

You mean yellows signal Spring
Winter's departure time they closer bring
That I am sure will make most rejoice
More open, warmer climes would be everyone's choice

And then there was Vivek: ‘Springing’ on your timeline are these mums from sis
Good morning!

 Mums on the timeline are springing
Wonder what they are really bringing
Methinks Vivek is on a pogo stick
Jumping here and there to get his clicks

The yellow parade is not over: This lovely flower is from the garden of a very close relative! Posting this with his permission

Brilliant yellows and soft pinks
Delicate yet bold like fairy winks
Have blossomed with abandon gay
Tall and proud, they do not from purpose sway

From Shashi: In the honor of the #Inauguration2021 these flowers are from 2011. Visit to the White House! When you are welcomed to a Luau in Hawaii

Whether Washington or Hawaii flowers rule
In the White House and at parties they are so cool
Spreading their joy and color all around
Flowers in hues, shapes, varieties abound

Also from him: It's magical, these wandflowers, can they make the world's hunger disappear?

 Wandflowers with powers to vanquish world hunger
Men working around leafless trees bringing forth new wonder
With care, trees to bloom afresh
Flowers that form a perfect mesh

 Shalini brought: The wandflower has pink flowers like butterflies, here's the white periwinkle with a gorgeous butterfly on it...from my friend Medha - she of the rooftop garden in the cramped city of Mumbai. Don't know the name of these beauties, but god sure has painted them in lovely colors! Happy Sunday folks! 

 God's painting and butterfly periwinkle landings
Both showcased against greens that are high in standing
Color combinations that rule the world
Flowers that the butterfly's head twirled

And then there was Vivek, following up on Shalini's post: Keeping with the butterfly theme. Don’t remember which one I shared b4, so sharing both. Good morning!

 From one butterfly to two
Vivek brought into play an awesome view
The flowers well with the butterflies gel
Wonder what tales they can us tell
The beautiful hibiscus he called the Holy See
And referred to himself as the questing bee
Could the winged visitors spell
Which all dales they had fortune to dwell

From my usually infrequent visitor, Gautam, An old pic: somewhere in Hauz Khas, Delhi.. Six years ago! My other infrequent contributor, Shinjini pitched in, too!

Amazing hues of pink does nature on us spring
Memories of yester years photos do forth bring
Whether in the garden or brightening up a room
A bunch of blossoms and a solitary bloom

Capturing the perfect bougainvillea shot is an art
In which Sai duly plays the best part
Composed to portray a story
The flowers shine in their own glory

My Co-Contributors

Anjali; Shalini; Vivek; Vishnu; Shashi, Shalini; Vivek; Shinjini & Gautam; Sai




Friday, January 22, 2021

Flowers of Change


Change the wise say is the only constant and change is brought about by the passage of time, which we all know waits for none. And, so it is that the much awaited change in the fortunes of the USA has come about, the Biden-Harris duo has been sworn in and a breath of fresh air wafts through. Healing should be able to begin,  in people, country, state and the impact of Covid. We hope that the healing winds of change will also send some puffs this way and that 2024 will bring healing to our beautiful land, too. But that is still way off in the future... in the meanwhile

Here, on the blog, flowers have stood by constant even as time has passed by, seasons have changed, colors have moved back and forth, but the hope and peace and life that flowers symbolize stands true to the test of even Master/Mistress Time.

We begin with Shashi as he stood with millions of Americans on the cusp of change: It's a very significant day in the US today #DailyFlowers

Beautiful yellows blooming in hope
End of Trump's raves, rants and tropes
Joe & Kamala bring in cheer
The US can heal and move ahead without fear
Happy Regime change! GoUSA!

And today, he was: It's been a great day #DailyFlowers! The world is a better place. 

White and green the harbingers of life
Eternally strong and pure cutting through all strife
Beginnings new, new steps to take
Bring together all, renew pledges, a country anew to make

Red roses bunched with green
Enabling their beauty to better preen
Earth's bounty shared far and wide
Her generosity brings forth a colorful tide

 Folks on my #Twitter are very kind
Asking to borrow their flowers, they don't mind
These beauties to someone's mom belong
But he has allowed me to showcase them for a little song
Many, many thanks to @shenoyn

Well Vivek decided to get all aristocratic at one go: An aristocratic flower coz it has blue blood in its veins; Good morning! And hearkened to Buddha with the other :"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." The Buddha. Good morning. Came across this on one of my old blogs. Re-posted here

Aristocratic flower with blue blood
Must be the ruler of the neighbor-hood
Trust Vivek to royalty in flowers also find
The flower itself looks humble n kind
Kind brings the Buddha to mind
That and finding peace was his lesson for mankind
Flowers are miracles for sure
Drenched with raindrop, they are innocence pure

And as if Buddha and aristocracy weren't enough he went the cacti way: An arrangement of cacti from the Botanical Garden in DC. Good morning!

An arrangement of cacti he did share
All the way from DC, they sailed forth with great care
Covered with thorns, Cacti have a beauty strange
Seen appropriately, their depths go beyond the range

Sai brings in beauties true
Captured in all their resplendent hue
One has to look up all the way up the bark
To meet yellows swaying in the breeze having a lark
Colors awesomely bright, colors dark
They are the major attractions to mark
Pot and flower into each other merge
With detailed petals, bougainvillea does emerge

Shalini played to Vivek's aristocrats: Mine are the common variety, but their beauty is uncommon, like little red butterflies perched on slender stems :)! #good morning #DailyFlowers! PS: Glad to know the wordsmith has recovered, look forward to her rhymes today 

Little red butterflies perched on slender stems
Bougainvillea blooms like precious gems
Whether in earth or in pots
Flowers make for glowing shots

And then she brought in a flowery comic
You get to decide who it mimics
Let your imagination soar
This flower can really roar!

My Co-Contributors

Shashi, Narendra, Vivek, Sai, Shalini

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Blooms that Delight


 Lockdowm to a degree continues with work from here here to stay for some more time and since gyms although open are restricting numbers at one time, home exercising is going up. And so it is with the blogger; except that she dropped a dumbbell onto her arm yesterday when changing grips and had to defer the post. But rest, icing, bracing and a good sleep made everything hunky-dory again, though the stupid fiber (internet connectivity) is playing spoilsport... But flowers are sporting and the pix takers and sharers even more so... 

So, let's begin with who else but Shashi: #DailyFlowers begin from home. Have a great Sunday! This is from a 2014 visit to Boston and this is the lobby of the apartments @TheBatchYard

Blooms at home and away in one shot
Beautiful blossoms that make us smile a lot
Reds, whites, yellow with the greens play
They light up the environs like the sun's gentle rays

Add to this roses from two people, both Shashi and Gautam brought in deep pinks bright:  When nature takes a break, you need a beautiful sight! Wild roses, three in a row, in my garden #dailyflowers

The beauty of roses
Is such that one supposes
They have been made with just one reason
To provide us humans joy in every season

Not to be left behind, Vivek brought in Africa, his cousin's garden and more...: Blooms of the Moringa that will give us drumsticks. Fun fact: Among the Konso tribals of Ethiopia a man must plant and nurture 4 moringa trees in his plot b4 getting married. #DailyFlowers! From my elder sis Dr Rashmi’s garden! Color reminds me of icing on the cake. Good morning!

The African Moringa tree and flowers from his sister's garden for free
Vivek took us on a flowering journey with a rich narrative spree
Pale creams, lavenders and pinks did blend
In his mind, to frosting on cakes did they lend

Vishnu was not too far off from him,
Colors radiantly breathtaking did in bring
These pinks do the hearts delight
Tiny blooms bunched together are quite a sight

Here's a click from a neighbor, Uday Baxi, who was kind enough to give permission. May his tribe increase! Mums on my brain! Here's the new bouquet from hubby dear. Meanwhile Mum's mums are still looking fresh!  Stolen from neighbors garden by V

Whites for some reason did abound
Quite a few sharers did bring them round
But whites are whites and still more than whites
Gaze deeply into these flowers and enjoy nature's supreme delights

 Here are some chillies that look so much like rose buds (apologies to admin!). Vivek promptly replied with:

"Woe betide the bee
who had a stuffed nose
and mistook the chilly
for a beautiful rose."

Sharers these days immense liberty take
Apart from the admin's pout, not much is at stake
Thence Shalini decided chillies did perfectly in fit
After all, like flowers they did to pix-taking submit

These have been holding for quite some time
The blogger could not find words to adequately rime
But unfair it is to hold them away
So for your gazes they have come out to play

My Co-Contributors

Shashi; Shashi & Gautam; Vivek; Vishnu (V); Shalini & Vishnu; Shalini; Archana J; Rachna



'Tis Time for Roses!

  #DailyFlowers Time as usual has flown by and we have moved into 2025; winter is here, hopefully moving on and Spring is signaling its entr...

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