Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Murmuring & Grooving Flowers


Things smoothed out then turned topsy-turvy again, leaving the blogger mighty unsettled and falling even further back in posting! Additionally, #Twitter is playing some games because I keep missing notifications. Sigh! But then, it is a hot, humid day, my grey cells are tired so I thought why not take recourse to silly rhymes, maybe they would help restart the grey/thinking cells. This post might be a little jumpy, so i apologize beforehand.

Somewhere between the last post and this one, Shalini decided to nominate a flower for the week; thus did she speak:

The maalis in our local Tatha-Paati park have planted Zinnias (at least Google Lens says they're Zinnias). Counting each color separately, I'm set for the next one week. Well, that was a tease the blogger wasn't gonna let go, hence

Is that so, set for a week?
What if we say that others you should seek?
Would more parks you go
To gather an even more colorful show?

To which she promptly reverted with:

Flowers you said,
Flowers I'm getting.
Now you say
It's my setting.
Want me to gather more?
Tell that to the evil Covid spore

Well, in the interim, a small bit of the blogger's life righted itself,  

That evil Covid spore
Canna have any more
Am fed up with it
Think it needs a major flit
But till then news I have for all
Momma's latest report gives an all-clear call
The wordsmith is much relieved
Colors & more flowers have 2b seen 2b believed
June chipped into the Zinnia tale
These flowers have grown in scale
Pinks, yellows, peaches and whites
Are dancing merrily in seasonal delight

Look, it's a Zinnia again,
but so pretty, and not at all vain.
People walking past,
don't give it a glance,
but it still shares its beauty
as though that is its duty...

But if Shalini rhymes, can Vivek be far behind, to yet another Zinnia, he said

Whether or not
At the Zinnia we glance
Wordsmith.2s words
Hold us in a trance
Brought forth the gulmohar to the dance
Older songs he said must be sung
The minds with their melody rung
Never mind the songs, the flowers do well to prance

Shalini then brought in pink hearts
You can tell the flowers have smarts
Strung in a line upon a branch
By the side a pink red offers another tranche

Shashi is having a field day
Vibrant colors are coming his way
His pleasure through the pictures does seep
Into our timelines and bolsters us deep
Whites, red-pinks, yellows set the note
These gorgeous blooms to get our vote
Hues of pink do ring the bell
Flowers, flowers in the dell

  'Tis strange is it not
Two distanced blooms share a hue so hot
Sai and Shashi to the fore
The deep violet-blues do sanity restore

Settings for the Zinnia he blamed
But the lock-down had him tamed
His sister came to the rescue
Amazing blooms took up the cue

 Lovely yellows rule the roost
To sagging morale give an energy boost
Bright as the sun, the timeline they brighten
In these Covid times, our loads they lighten

Dogs and gardens do not gel
To uproot flowers is their tell
This lil fella is the bloom's guard
The flowers have his dedicated regard
Out there in the city's paved yard
Nature presents a violet card


Amidst all the colors bright
The deep greens are a pleasing sight
Whites and yellows do them adorn
With grace and majesty are they worn

Posed against the greens dark
Lavender and whites make their mark
Flowers a lesson in constancy teach
They are always there, ne'er out of reach

The Mirabelle plum
Marches to its own music and drum
Vivek did from Jola share
This amazing tree so fair

My Co-Contributors

Shalini & June; Shalini; Vivek & Shalini; Shalini; Shashi (all 3 sets); Sai & Shashi; Vivek; @HippyMallu & Ranjona; @HippyMallu; Deepak; @HippyMallu; Vivek (Jola)

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