Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Tapestry of Blossoms


There are times when you have the content for a post ready in your mind, but then along comes something that just turns everything upside down. That's what happened to me this week and hence the delay in putting up the post. And that made me think of the old saying: man proposes, God disposes! And, how apt that was! Anyway, the weather has warmed up! Mumbai is hot! There's a light breeze! The world is still turning, going on and in some places it's a record that is stuck! Closer down south, Sri Lanka is having massive economic woes. Refugees into India therefore are on-going and more can be expected. Sometimes it feels like this world has pressed the reset button and civilization as we know it is on the roller-coaster! With so much turmoil around, it's a good thing that Nature's blossoming majesty is steadfast! 

Nature's beauties offer peace
May their generosity never decrease
Hues and blooms abound all around
Sometimes they call to moods profound

Vivid colors offer a welcome note
Deeper colors do themselves promote
Enrich our lives, make us smile
As we prepare to travel tougher miles

Sprightly blues play with lavender & pinks
Of spring, gardens, homes, blooms deeply drink
The wide blue expanse is a nice foil
To earth's tapestry of blossoms and soil

 A medley of blooms makes its presence felt
Gorgeousness in myriad shades is spelt

The mango tree has burst into flower

Soon, its sweet-tart goodness it will freely shower

Shashi in spring blooms did rejoice
Lovely whites & yellow their songs did voice
A crimson beauty Shantha did in bring
The flowers did sway, dance and sing

Malabar nut & Umbrella Sedge
Other blooms they did out edge
Varietals new we get to know
Udayji helps them put on a show

My Co-Contributors

Shalini, SukiF, & Vivek; Shashi, Vivek & UdayBaxiji; Vivek, Shalini & SukiF; June & Shashi; Rachna & Alka; Ranjona, UdayBaxiji, Shashi, Shantha & ArifK (@arif371); UdayBaxiji, Shantha, NilimaM; Shashi & Shantha; UdayBaxiji;

Monday, March 21, 2022

Colors Rejoice


Today is the vernal equinox, the official beginning of spring  when night and day are of equal length. And round the world the colors of spring burst forth rejoicing in rebirth as it were. Closer, home in India, we just celebrated the festival of colors, of love, the victory of gold over evil, amidst the spraying/sprinkling of color and the burning of the holika.  This post was to be up yesterday, but life as usual got in the way, aiming to post it in the next 30 mins. 

 Yellows are  a beauty apart
Whose brightness we take to heart
Their brilliance our days do light
Alone or with others a scintillating sight 

The first periwinkles doth Shashi delight

And Nasturtiums do Lodhi garden up light
The mother of millions, the chandelier plant
So many blooms thoroughly they do enchant

Methi, curry, soya and babool
Names that sound so cool
Their Latin names Udayji provides
Takes us on botanical rides

 Murraya koenigii-Curryleaf tree flower-करी पत्ता के फूल  &
Cassia-Senna auriculata-तरवड़-Babool flowers

Trigonella esculenta-Fenugreek-मेथी & Anethum graveolens-Garden dill-सोया 

A skyline dotted with red
Deeper glories burgeoning ahead
Spring's vibrant hues come to the fore
Nature's magnificence for us to explore

Nature's wonders will never cease
May their tribe always increase
As our contributors do grow
Pulling in more flowers for the show
A palette of purple-mauve aligned
For pleasing the soul aesthetically designed

From India and the UK, Shalini & her hubby beauties share
Flowers exquisite, blooms rare
A bouquet gorgeous for her birthday he sent
Its colors spread their own scent
Crocuses, lilies, daffodils join in the cheer
White magnolia enhances the blooming sphere

Shashi is moving into new roles
I am sure he'll score all incoming goals
Flowers express sentiments dear
They bring majesty, grace and wholesome cheer

Blooms in many shapes and hues
Framed as one, an interesting view
From us they draw oohs & aahs
Pride of place they hold in garden and vase

My Co-Contributors

@Silverlightgal, UdayBaxiji, Shashi, Shantha, June, Shalini & Vivek; UdayBaxiji, @Silverlightgal & Mahesh; UdayBaxiji, Shashi & Shalini; UdayBaxiji & Vivek; Udaybaxiji; UdayBaxiji; Ranjona, UdayBaxiji, @medusaflower; Vivek & Ranjona; Ranjona, @Silverlightgal & @medusaflower; Shantha; Shalini & Narayanabala (both frames); June, Vivek, Mahesh & Shashi; Shantha, Vivek & Shalini; @Silverlightgal, Ranjona, UdayBaxiji, Vivek & Shashi.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Warmer Times Incoming


Time flies, even when time is so fraught, so heavy with the goings-on worldwide and closer to home, but it flies on wings of its own! An apology I owe to my reader; as was pointed out, last week's post was a little too dark. What can I say, but human I be,  do sometimes go down gasping and groaning into the troubles sea. There's much to comment on in the world today, but it's not all rosy and gay. So, the blogger will desist, will allow nature's brightness to persist. Days are warming up, indeed Mumbai is getting hot, but winter seems bent on having in other regions its last shot

The darker the times, the brighter the flowers
As if by their brilliance they would shower
Our lives with color resplendent
Seeming to emerge from climes transcendent
A colorful gorgeous bunch
Along with pinks-oranges packs quite the punch
Did you ever see such glorious lavender, blue and mauve
Dressage so aristocratic & suave

On the timeline were some glories
Knitting their own unique stories
Mala did bring them out to play
And they made for a rather colorful display
How better can one honor a rose
But nestle it amidst others that pose
With beauty not vanity
They keep our sanity

Pinks, reds and white dominate
It's as if seasons across them nominate
To be harbingers of universal messages
Through nature's realm they pronounce passages

Spring doth a variety bring
With gaiety they add to the swing
The blooms they do astound
Ease the mind with beauty profound

Oranges, reds, whites & yellows were never ones to stay behind
For grace and poetry they were specially designed
Common, uncommon, command they the eye
Vibrant, loud, impressive, spring's constant ally

My Co-Contributors

Shalini, Shantha & Mahesh; Rachna, Vivek & Alka; Mala; Mala & Gautam; Hina, Shalini, Vivek, & Shashi; Rachna, UdayBaxiji & Hina; Shantha, Shashi & Vivek; UdayBaxiji, Vee, Shashi, Hina & Monica; Monica, UdayBaxi & Hina (both frames)

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Spring's Floral Choir


Spring is in the air; in some regions it is very much in, in some knocking on the door! Spring is the time rebirth, for joy, but also for confusion as shown by a blog contributor (wanted to know if spring had truly come round). And yet this spring has brought with itself more than confusion, it has brought invasion. And all those who said the dispersion of economic activities across the globe will prevent wars, because countries are dependent on one another, well, it doesn't really. By that logic, Ukraine should have been safe. While this blog and its blogger prefer to keep this space apolitical, sometimes the question just drives itself to the fore

So, world turn, turn, to the point of no return
With shells, tanks, missiles, nations/people burn
Why this need to cause unnecessary churn
Will humanity for lasting peace continue to always yearn
Do we really understand the beauty that from flowers we earn
Can we like them learn to grow and prosper in peace
That each day we could grab and for ourselves seize
That people may together live and grow
Allow grace, love, peace to put on a never-ending show

However, not for dark thoughts is this blog meant
Not when gorgeous blooms are spreading their scent
Someone did refer to last week's commotion
Hinted that they were sharing flowers unreal with trepidation
At which point Vivek did say, was no cause for admonition
The shared flowers were truly deserving of admiration
And more blooms joined the celebration
Rendering true our colorful fascination

Udayji has handed over blooming glories
To Shalini to share their stories
Stupendous colors, shine bright
Lift the blog to greater heights

The hills are resounding with the sounds of spring
A friend's bloom-laden garden does brilliance bring
Ria does meanwhile travel to closer shores
Its flora she sends for us to adore
Colors and blooms that we love to see
Flowers as flowers should be

Have you seen a flowering Aloe
Strange spikes does it grow
From California, Shantha sends beauties
What shall we do with these cuties
Hiway joins in with a blooming peach tree
Suby questions spring's advent with a flowering amaltas spree

Permission a good friend recently gave
Blooms from his home be shared for us to rave
Reds and yellows set the greens ablaze
Their mingled harmony does us amaze
Gentle pinks the choir do make
As they sing songs sweet for our sake

My Co-Contributors

Shashi, Anjali & Monica; Monica & AbbasR; HippyMallu, Shalini, Rachna, Vivek, & Shantha; Ranjona, Shashi, UdayBaxi, Rachna, Monica & Subytweets; Shalini & Shashi; UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi & Vivek; Anjali & Rachna; Ria (Via Shalini) Anjali, June, Vivek & Ranjona; Shantha, Hiway & Subytweets; RaviM & Rachna.

'Tis Time for Roses!

  #DailyFlowers Time as usual has flown by and we have moved into 2025; winter is here, hopefully moving on and Spring is signaling its entr...

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